Blue Ice

Metabolism and energy booster.

Blue Ice is a stimulating formula that delivers a powerful boost on your metabolism and energy to help you reach your weight loss goal.

Like other similar diet supplements such as Thermakor, Blue Angel, PhenBlue and BurnCor, this supplement is primarily marketed as a fat burner and energy booster.

So how does it compare with other brands? Read on and learn if Blue Ice can truly help you lose weight.

What is Blue Ice?

Blue Ice is a product of Extreme Performance Group or simply known as EPG. Sadly, I never found any official website for this company online though they have an official Facebook page.

As mentioned above, this product is a stimulant-based formula which means that it is primarily an energy booster and fat burner.

Here are its health benefit claims:

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  • Fat burning chills
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Increases energy levels and performance
  • Enhances focus, mood and mental function
  • Promotes other health benefits


With no website, information about this brand is truly limited though third party online diet pill retailers offer some facts about its ingredients and how it really works for weight loss.

There are also limited reviews for this brand online which means that Blue Ice isn’t yet popular among the online dieting community.

But that doesn’t meant that this brand is also ineffective and unsafe as this product offers known and highly potent slimming agents.

This diet pill also has a moderate price of $39.99 per bottle. So this supplement is neither expensive, nor a cheap brand.

Since this product has no website, returns or money back guarantee depends on the store where you are going to purchase this product.

Blue Ice Ingredients

According to some websites that sells Blue Ice, the proprietary blend of this diet pill is dosed at 680mg per serving, which is potent enough to trigger some measures of weight loss for you.

The ingredients include caffeine, eria jarensis extract, dimethylethanolamine, L-Carnitine, guarana, theophylline anhydrous, N-Isopropylnosynephrine, rauwolfia vomitoria root (yohimbe).

Other ingredients include cellulose, rice flour, and gelatin.

blue ice ingredients

Blue Ice Features

As mentioned above, this product is packed with stimulants which are known to promote slimming effects.

First off, Blue Ice has caffeine. This agent is commonly found in teas, coffee and energy drinks and is known to help elevate both mental and physical performance.

A key agent of this product is called N-Isopropylnosynephrine or simply known as octopamine.

According to, octopamine is a stimulant agent that has potent fat burning effects though there are some critics that are argue its true effects in humans.

Guarana is another caffeine-rich agent that is known for its metabolism and energy-boosting properties. Yohimbe has guarana-like properties but this herb is also known to help improve sexual health.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid known as a powerful fat burner. Theophyline anhydrous is another stimulant that has similar effects as caffeine and theobromine.

Lastly, Blue Ice has dimethylethanolamine or simply known as DMAE. Like carnitine, this agent is an amino acid found in the brain. Its works by maintaining good function of brain signals and your entire central nervous system.

Is Blue Ice Safe?

Since this brand has limited reviews online, we can’t really say that this product is completely safe or not.

But since the formula is packed with stimulants, this brand is definitely not for individuals that has high allergic reactions to caffeine.

So to ensure a safe supplementation, you need to consult your doctor first before you take Blue Ice.


According to some third party retail sites, you can take 1 capsule in the morning and another serving 5 to 6 hours later as needed.

ripped guy lifting dumbbellsBlue Ice Review Summary

This product has a potent formula that is packed with known energy and metabolism boosting agents, and most of these are known stimulants.

If you are looking for a supplement that can elevate your workout in the gym or to shed some body fat, then Blue Ice is definitely a good choice.

But as I have said above, if you are highly allergic to caffeine, then you better stay away from this product.

Where to Buy Blue Ice?

To purchase Blue Ice, please visit its official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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  1. I purchased Blue Ice on a bogo offer. It is VERY stim based and does give you mega energy and the fat burning chills it advertises.

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