Alphabuterol Extreme

Powerful fat burning supplement for men and women.

According to its manufacturer, Alphabuterol Extreme is touted as the “most powerful fat burner” on the market. This is no surprise at all as most companies do hype their brands online.

Other brands are also claiming the same thing such as Shred Sport, Fat Burner Plus, Forged Burner, and Torch Burner.

But based on its formula, Alphabuterol Extreme may very well deliver on its slimming claims. Read on and learn why I believe that this product can truly help you lose weight.

What is Alphabuterol Extreme?

Alphabuterol Extreme (previously known as Alphabuterol Razor) is a product of AlphaBreed Nutrition, a company that offers a variety of fitness health products.

Here are the health claims for this particular brand:

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  • Increases your metabolism which accelerates fat burning
  • Improves muscle definition
  • Activates and increases thermogenesis
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Elevates mood
  • Reduces fat storage capacity
  • Decreases blood glucose levels
  • Supports detoxification


AlphaBreed Nutrition claims that their product is formulated with potent mix of “simple” ingredients, and not with common ingredient-packed formulas that you often see in most supplements today.

The company believe that simple ingredients makes big difference than using dozens of agents that do nothing for you.

As mentioned above, Alphabuterol Extreme is primarily a fat burner though it also promotes key areas of weight loss, which is great if you are looking for a complete dietary supplement.

With regards to its price, a bottle costs $59.99 which is a bit pricey compared to other supplements in the market such as SVASTI Garcinia, Lipro Altrexa or Be Slim.

Also, I found no details about money back guarantee or return benefits from AlphaBreed Nutrition’s website. So most likely, the company doesn’t offer this benefit.

Alphabuterol Extreme Ingredients

As mentioned above, Alphabuterol Extreme has simple ingredient blend and is not packed with dozens of unknown herbs.

The proprietary blend of this diet pill is dosed at 564mg per serving, and is composed of micro E caffeine, 2-aminoisoheptane, caffeine, dandelion root, white willow, higenamine, cayenne pepper, noopept and colaracetum.

alphabuterol extreme ingredients

So How does Alphabuterol Extreme Work?

According to AlphaBreed Nutrition, their product is primarily a fat burner but it also promote metabolism and energy boost, reduces fat storage and glucose levels, enhances mood and suppresses fat storage.

What does this mean for you?

Well, if this formula is truly plausible, then you are looking for a very potent formula that will definitely deliver results for you.

To know if Alphabuterol Extreme is a dependable supplement, we need to dig deep into its formula and see if its ingredients are truly proven for weight loss.

Micro-E Caffeine

I can’t find any information about this type of caffeine online though I believe that this agent is just an upgraded type of caffeine that boosts its overall health effects.

According to this product’s website, micro-E caffeine is not a standard caffeine but a type of stimulant that provides continued energy source. This helps energize your body for a prolonged period of time.

Like conventional caffeine, micro-E caffeine works in the central nervous system which helps boost your mood, focus, metabolism, energy and even your body’s ability to suppress your food cravings.


This agent is a potent stimulant that helps boost dopamine and noradrenaline which results in a longer lasting energy increase.

Some company do use 2-aminoisoheptane in their formulas because it is not included in FDA’s banned stimulants list.

And some companies do take advantage of this by saying that their stimulant content has 2-aminoisoheptane (which is not banned) but the truth is that they don’t. What they offer are banned stimulant agents.

According to, instead of using real 2-aminoisoheptane, manufacturers use 2-amino-5-methylhexane, 1,3-DMAA or 1,3-DMBA, all of which are considered unlawful, banned agents due to its similar structure as ephedrine.

But is 2-aminoisoheptane safe? Well, I found no negative signs that this agent is harmful aside from the fact that this particular name is being used as a decoy to hide some brand’s true formulas.

alphabuterol extreme diet supplements

Dandelion Root

Most supplements do have dandelion root extract due to its ability to increase urine production while promoting other health benefits such as anti-inflammation, improvement of digestive function, and even for cancer treatment.

So how does dandelion help you lose weight?

According to LiveStrong, dandelion doesn’t directly promote weight loss but indirectly helps you lose weight. How?

By increasing your body’s endurance. So this means, taking dandelion can help improve your workout endurance which improves your overall exercise capacity. This helps you to make it easier to exercise for longer and burn more calories and fat in the process.

Dandelion also promotes diuretic effect, as I mentioned above. Diuretic means effective reduction in body fluid. This helps you lose weight by lessening water retention.

White Willow

People use white willow to help treat all sorts of pain such as headache, muscle pain, menstrual cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and many others.

White willow works similarly as aspirin, that is why it is highly use for pain treatment. Dieters also use white willow for weight loss and most supplement do have this herb – WebMD.


This chemical is found in plants such as sacred bamboo, aconite and many others. Bodybuilders use higenamine as a pre-workout supplement to help improve their athletic performance.

People also use this agent for cough, asthma, heart failure and even for male sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction.

According to NCBI, hegenamine works like a stimulant that helps increase heart contractions and speed up heart rate. They also showed that it can trigger lipolysis and energy expenditure which constitutes to its slimming properties.

Grains of Paradise Seed

Grains of paradise seed are from Aframomum melegueta plant and is highly used as a medicinal drug.

Like caffeine and higenamine, this plant extract is also a stimulant. It is used to help increase metabolic and energy levels, as well as improve overall brain function – WebMD.


More known as capsicum, this spicy herb is mainly used for weight loss due to its ability to increase metabolism and stimulates thermogenesis.

But people also use cayenne for high cholesterol, diarrhea, intestinal gas, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, sinusitis, eye pain, headache, muscle spasms, neuropathy, alcoholism and many others.

alphabuterol extreme fat burning supplement

Is Alphabuterol Extreme Safe?

This product is likely safe to most adult and seasoned dieters and atletes. I also found no reports of side effects for this brand online which is great.

But since this product is packed with stimulants, it is not ideal for people with high allergic reactions to caffeine.

Alphabuterol Extreme has four potent stimulants on its formula – micro-E caffeine, 2-aminoisoheptane, higenamine and grains of paradise seed.

2-aminoisoheptane has been used wrongfully in the market by some manufacturers, while higenamine has been found unsafe to people with heart conditions – WebMD.

Grains of paradise is generally safe but WebMD also suggest that it can trigger irritation of the stomach, intestine and urinary system.

But as I have said, Alphabuterol Extreme has no known side effects and most reviews online are positive with regards to weight loss efficacy.

To ensure a safe supplementation, I encourage you to consult your doctor first before you take Alphabuterol Extreme or any other stimulant-packed diet supplements.

Alphabuterol Extreme Review Summary

This diet supplement indeed has a simple formula that is pretty potent for first time supplement users and beginners.

Why? Because most of its ingredients are stimulants. So if you are allergic to stimulants, then this brand is not for you. Otherwise, people with high tolerance to stimulants can directly benefit from using Alphabuterol Extreme.

How? As mentioned above, Alphabuterol Extreme can help burn fat, boost energy, mood and metabolism, suppress appetite, reduce fat storage and more!

But this potent stimulant also has an expensive price tag and, AlphaBreed Nutrition doesn’t offer money-back guarantee as of writing this review.

Overall, Alphabuterol Extreme is a pretty powerful supplement that can truly deliver massive weight loss for you. But again, you have to talk to your doctor first before you take this product.

Where to Buy Alphabuterol Extreme?

Alphabuterol Extreme is available online directly through its official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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