
Altrexa is one of the newly introduced diet pills in the market today and can only be purchased online.

Like other new brands such as BeSlim, Raspberry Ketone 100MG or Drill Master, Altrexa is still not yet a popular diet pill in the dieting community. So it is still building its reputation online.

So can this brand finally help you lose weight? Read on and learn if this is the right supplement for your slimming program.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Altrexa?

Altrexa is a product of Biotek Nutrition, a California-based health supplement manufacturer. Sadly, the official website of this company is still not yet live in the time of writing this review.

So there are very limited information for this brand online. Amazon is the only site that gives some light about Altrexa.

Some of this pill’s health claims include:

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  • Naturally burns your body fat
  • Thermogenic metabolizer
  • Increases energy and boosts metabolism


So as you can see, Altrexa is basically a pure thermogenic supplement that can help your body burn some fat. It doesn’t claim to cut your appetite or block your carbohydrate intake.

But this brand is quite expensive compared to other supplements online. A bottle of Altrexa costs about $35 and Amazon claims that they shoulder returns while offering 100% money back guarantee.

That is a good offer for a diet supplement.

Altrexa Ingredients

Like other fat burners such as Fat Stripper, Men’s Fat Burner or Gorilla Extreme, Altrexa has known thermogenic agents and stimulants.

Ingredients include caffeine, glucuronolactone, phenethylamine, nettle leaf extract, yohimbe extract and inositel niacinate. Total dosage is 450mg per serving.

Inactive ingredients include gelatin, calcium carbonate and magnesium stearate.

Altrexa ingredients

So How does Altrexa Work?

As mentioned above, Altrexa has no website making information for this brand very limited. Good thing we have the full details of its ingredient profile.

The ingredients suggest that this brand is truly a thermogenic supplement with energy boosters and fat burners on its formula.

So to have ideas on whether this brand is plausible for weight loss or not, I will give you information on how each ingredients work for weight loss.


This compound is found in a variety of products – colas, energy drinks, coffees, teas, nootropic drugs, and of course, weight loss supplements.

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system, enhancing both mental and physical performance.

Nootropic drug manufacturers take advantage of using this compound as it can truly improve brain function.

Caffeine in weight loss pills helps boost energy, physical performance and helps trigger thermogenesis (metabolism and burning of fat).

WebMD do suggest that caffeine is an effective weight loss remedy.


This compound is commonly used as an active ingredient in energy drink formulations. However, there are minimal research to it, given its societal usage.

So basically, Biotek Nutrition used glucuronolactone to act as Altrexa’s energy boosting agent.


Popularly known as PEA, phenethylamine is a stimulatory transmitter that helps improve mood and increase alertness.

This compound is widely used in most weight loss supplements to help improve focus and reduces appetite by increasing the release of dopamine.

According to LiveStrong, PEA is a strong appetite suppressant and can absorb carbohydrates.


This herbal extract is known to help increase blood flow and nerve impulses to the penis or vagina.

Aside from its sex-enhancing effects, yohimbe is also beneficial for treating depression due to its stimulating properties.

Most experts suggest that yohimbe can help improve exercise performance and energy levels. However, this herb is also known for various side effects.

WebMD reported that yohimbe is known to cause irregular or rapid heart beat, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack and many others.

I also wrote a detailed review of yohimbe here.

So Can Altrexa Help You Lose Weight?

As you can see, Altrexa has powerful formula that can truly help boost your energy, metabolism and fat burning abilities.

With stimulants, it is almost guarantee that you can see measures of weight loss if taken regularly.

This product is fairly new to the market, so it is not a surprise seeing limited reviews for this product online.

How about Safety?

With its stimulant-packed formula, Altrexa gives you higher chances of side effects though we believe that most adults that will use this product are not too sensitive to caffeine.

With phenethylamine, yohimbe and caffeine on its formula, you need to consider the possible adverse health reactions from this stimulants.

You are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Altrexa.


According to its label, you can take one capsule, twice daily 30 minutes before meals. A third capsule is possible for increased weight loss.

Do not exceed 3 capsules per day.

Altrexa Review Summary

To be fair to this brand, Altrexa is a new product and still in the marketing phase. More information about this brand’s efficacy soon.

But judging its formula, Altrexa has potent stimulants that can truly help you lose weight significantly. If you combine a sensible diet and exercise, the you lose further more than you would expect.

If you are looking for a differently formulated diet pill, Altrexa might be the perfect fit for you but just don’t forget to visit your doctor first due to its formula having agents that are proven to cause side effects.

Here are the reasons why you need Altrexa on your weight loss program:

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  • 100% natural formula
  • Potent ingredients that are known to deliver weight loss
  • May help increase energy and physical performance
  • Boosts metabolism for rapid fat loss.
  • Moderate price
  • Money back guarantee – Amazon/independent retail stores


Where to Purchase Altrexa?

You can buy this brand online from various supplement retailers such as eBay or Amazon.

Also, you may want to try one of our top-rated brands below – Complex Diet Drops.

Our top choice supplement - Complex Diet Drops

complex diet dropsOne of the bestselling and proven diet drop formula in the market today. Complex Diet Drops is 100% natural and hormone-free supplement that will trigger rapid and safe weight loss.

Complex Diet Drops promotes fat loss, appetite reduction and metabolic increase, all of which are essential for successful weight loss.

Click here to learn more in our review.

Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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