Tru Niagen

Better aging, more energy and faster recovery dietary supplement.

Tru Niagen is a unique supplement as it offers a different kind of vitamin B3 to help elevate your energy levels and promotes better aging process.

Basically, this product doesn’t directly help your workouts and muscle building program, but it can promote body performance enhancements naturally by improving the functions of each of your body cells to produce energy.

Interested? Read on and learn if Tru Niagen can be a great addition to your workout program.

What is Tru Niagen?

Tru Niagen is a product of HealthSpanResearch LLC., a California-based supplement company.

Here are the health benefit claims for this brand:

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  • Age better, live better
  • Effectively boost your body’s energy
  • Faster recovery after workout


As mentioned above, Tru Niagen is a unique supplement because it offers a different form of vitamin B3, which according to its manufacturer is clinically proven to safely increase your cell’s ability to make energy, with NAD.

So what is NAD you ask?

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an essential building block during energy production. However, our bodies lose up to 50% of NAD levels as we age. And when you have low NAD levels, your cells can’t produce the energy it neds to maintain your health as you age.

So as you can see, Tru Niagen isn’t just your regular sports nutrition supplement but it also benefits those people who wants to age better.

Some supplements do offer similar benefit such as Dextrom, Colon Detox Plus, Forged Burner and Zaca Recovery Chewable.

But Tru Niagen offers a bit different formula that is sounds truly unique even for me as I always stumble on every form of supplements online.

Lets see what are the ingredients for this brand.

Tru Niagen Ingredients

If you are expecting this supplement to have common agents such as ephedra, green tea or caffeine to give you that sudden boost of energy, then you are in for a surprise!

This supplement only has one key agent and that is nicotinamide riboside chloride (NIAGEN) and is dosed at 250mg per serving.

Inactive ingredients are microcrystalline cellulose and vegetable capsule.

tru niagen ingredients

So How does Tru Niagen Work?

Again, HealthSpanResearch LLC claims that this product primarily promotes better aging through increased energy levels, while enhancing muscle recovery from workouts.

How true are these claims?

According to this brand’s official website, Tru Niagen works by preventing the depletion of NAD, a key cellular resource of the body.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a coenzyme found in every living cell and is equally essential as water to the body.

And since NAD declines as we age, it also triggers some worst effects on our body such as weight gain, sleeping trouble or even sickness. NAD is simply one of the most important chemical in the body to have healthy cellular metabolism.

But having high levels of NAD, leads to tons of positive health benefits. NIAGEN is the first and only patented and safety tested form of nicotinamide riboside, that is known to help increase NAD levels. And Tru Niagen has this agent for you.

And some of the best health websites agree.

According to WebMD, NAD is involved in producing energy in the body and is being used as a health supplement for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, Parkinson’s disease, depression, testosterone deficiency, Alzheimer’s disease and many others.

tru niagen sports supplement

Is Tru Niagen Safe?

Since NAD is a form of vitamin B3, it is quite unlikely that this supplement will trigger any kind of side effects.

Plus, I never found any reports of side effects online with regards to this brand.

To ensure a safe supplementation, you may want to consult your doctor first before you take Tru Niagen.


According to its label, adults can take 2 capsules daily or as recommended by your doctor.

Tru Niagen Review Summary

This supplement is truly unique as it offers NAD, a form of vitamin B3 that is proven safe and effective in boosting energy levels and fasten recovery after workout. Plus, it also promotes a whole lot of health benefits as well.

Each bottle of Tru Niagen costs $39.95 but you can easily get one for only $30 if you subscribe to Tru Niagen’s monthly subscription program.

Plus, all purchases comes with a 15-day return guarantee. That is not the most enticing feature that a company can give with regards to guarantee, but this is okay instead of nothing.

Where to Buy Tru Niagen?

Tru Niagen is only available online directly through its official website. Click the link below to buy yours now!

Purchase Tru Niagen here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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