
PrimiTrim is not just your ordinary diet pill as it offers not just weight loss, but also other health benefits as well.

Though primarily a slimming product, it seems that its formula is focused more on health and wellness rather than weight loss due to its non-stimulating ingredients.

Plus, this dietary supplement is quite expensive compared to other brands.

Read this short review and learn if this brand is ideal as your weight loss investment.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using PrimiTrim, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is PrimiTrim?

PrimiTrim is a product of Nevada-based company called Essence Now Ltd.

As aforementioned above, this supplement is primarily a diet formula but also offers other health benefits. Some of its claimed benefits include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Stimulates fat burning
  • Inhibits cholesterol, fat and triglyceride synthesis
  • Build up energy reserve and increase physical endurance
  • Relieves muscle pains
  • Reduces the activity of inflammatory biomarkers
  • Increase insulin sensitivity
  • Decreases depression and fatigue, enhances mood


Though Essence Now Ltd has its own official website, they provided very limited information about PrimiTrim. Its official website is designed poorly and offers no refund.

Plus, each bottle of PrimiTrim will cost you $68, which is way expensive compared to other dietary supplements in the market.

PrimiTrim Ingredients

This supplement is 100% natural and is packed with known herbs and vitamins. Its proprietary blend is dosed at 816mg per serving, and contains B vitamin complex (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12).

Its ingredients are panax notoginseng and astragalus extracts (Innoslim blend), rhododendron caucasicum and rhodiola rosea.

primitrim ingredients

So How does PrimiTrim Work?

The official website of PrimiTrim doesn’t explained how it works for weight loss. But since we know its formula, we can analyze each of its ingredients and see if this supplement can help you lose weight.

Rhodiola Rosea

As a plant, rhodiola rosea is used to make medicinal drugs. It is primarily known to help protect cells from damage (anti-aging), regulate heartbeat, and can help improve memory and overall brain function.

Rhodiola is also known to help relieve stress, depression, increase energy levels, improves sexual function, and reduces high cholesterol and heart disorder risks.

Sadly for this extract, it is not known to provide any slimming effects.

Rhododendron Caucasicum

Rhododendron caucasicum is a plant specie that is used for traditional medicine. In most animal studies, it is discovered that rhododendron has possible anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities due to its antioxidants (flavonoids).

Essence Now Ltd probably used rhododendron caucasicum to provide PrimiTrim’s anti-inflammatory properties. However, this plant extract is not known for weight loss.

Panax Notoginseng

This plant extract is known to help treat bleeding disorders (both internal and external), and helps release blood stagnation and improves circulation.

It is also known to help improve atherosclerosis, and its roots provides analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and many other benefits.

Sadly for PrimiTrim, panax notoginseng is not known to provide any metabolic improving properties.


Astragalus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for years and is often combined with other herbs to strengthen the body against various illnesses.

Astragalus has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. People use it for skin care, antivirus regimen, immune support and many others.

Experts even consider this plant extract to have anti-cancer and anti-diabetes properties.

Like other ingredients of PrimiTrim, astragalus is not known to have weight loss properties.

Can PrimiTrim Help You Lose Weight?

As you can see from what I explained above, PrimiTrim is UNLIKELY to help you lose weight.

All of its ingredients are not known to have slimming properties. However, PrimiTrim might be able to provide other health benefits such as immune support, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, energy increasing and brain-enhancement.

Is PrimiTrim Safe?

PrimiTrim has no stimulants, chemicals or synthetic ingredients, which means that it is LIKELY safe as a dietary supplement.

Though safe, you are still encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take PrimiTrim.


According to Essence Not Ltd, you can take 2 capsules, two to three times a day, 30 minutes prior to meals with a full glass of water.

You are not encouraged to take PrimiTrim if you are pregnant or nursing mother, or if you are suffering from any health conditions.

PrimiTrim Review Summary

PrimiTrim is marketed as a slimming pill but is obviously not as potent as advertised. Its formula is not completely designed for weight loss and is highly unlikely to give you any favorable slimming results.

Here are the highlights of this review:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • May help provide anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits
  • May help improve immunity and brain function
  • Likely safe for adult dieters



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3c19″]

  • Limited information
  • Lack of customer testimonials
  • Doubtful formula for weight loss
  • Weight loss is unlikely
  • Probably has no money back guarantee
  • Quite expensive – $68 per bottle


Where to Purchase PrimiTrim?

PrimiTrim can only be purchased online, directly from its official website. It is not yet available at any local supplement stores near you.

Since this brand is not likely ideal for you, I suggest that you look for other dietary supplements that are much more reputable and worthy of your weight loss investments.

To start at the right foot, I recommend that you try one of our top-rated brands here – PhenQ. Click the link below to read our review of this amazing diet product.

Our top rated supplement - PhenQ

phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.

Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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