
Appetite Suppressant Diet Pill

Have you heard or used Lipozene dietary supplement before? Well, this product is another hyped diet pill that claims too many weight loss benefits.

With the supplement industry becoming so crowded these days, you just cannot try every pill you stumble with online. All these pills are perfectly marketed to entice you to purchase their products. Synthetic or scam products are abundant online which can either be ineffective or harmful, or both.

So as a consumer, you have to be wiser than the these scam diet pill manufacturers. Today, I will review one of the most bashed diet pill in the market – Lipozene. Read here and learn various aspects of this brand including its advantages and disadvantages.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Lipozene?

Lipozene is manufactured by a company called Obesity Research Institute, a company based in Carlsbad, California and was founded in 2003. Aside from Lipozene, the company also offers Metabo Up, an energy booster consisting of green tea extracts, kola-nut and vitamins B6 and B12.

Lipozene is a widely marketed diet pill which even appears in various TV commercials, magazines and is practically viral online. This product claims that you can lose weight and body fat easily with this supplement.

From its official website –, it offers the following advantages:

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  • Helps reduce body fat
  • Supports better appetite control
  • Clinically proven ingredients
  • 20 millions bottles sold
  • Safe and effective
  • Satisfaction guaranteed


It also claim that it helped millions of people to successfully reach their weight loss goals, including fat reduction.

So what are the contents of this diet pill that makes them so confident with these claims?

Ingredients of Lipozene

LipozeneThis fat burner is primarily composed of 100% pure and natural Glucomannan extracts. Glucomannan is found from the Konjac root, which originates in India, China, Japan and Korea.

Known as a super fiber herb, glucomannan is composed of soluble fiber known for its digestive problems relief such as constipation and other conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and of course, obesity.

Lipozene is also caffeine-free dietary supplement, making it one of the safest product in the market today. There are no other ingredients listed from its official website. This means that Lipozene can either be composed solely of glucommanan, or the company just hid its other active ingredients to protect their product’s interest.

How does Lipozene Work?

As mentioned above, Lipozene’s only active ingredient is glucommanan, so we have to concentrate our research on how this herb works.

Based on Lipozene’s official website where it published some clinical studies about glucommanan, a group of obese volunteers took glucommanan supplements in an 8-week period.

The results showed that all volunteers significantly lost weight of about an average of 5.5 lbs, as well as a reduced total blood cholesterol levels.

Read More: Effects of Glucomannan on Obese Individuals – National Institutes of Health

How it worked? Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that acts like a sponge. It stretches your stomach to the extent that it sends signals to your brain that you are still full, preventing any unwanted snacking.

This is the reason why some other glucomannan diet pills in the industry as marketed as appetite suppressants. This makes Lipozene to look more doubtful as it is branded as a fat loss pill. Plus, there are no other ingredients listed for Lipozene, which supports it fat burning claims.

Even though Lipozene is an effective appetite suppressant, it is good to note that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have warned several companies that sells glucomannan products for misleading or exaggerated claims. And guess what, Obesity Research Institute LLC (maker of Lipozene) is one of those companies that have been called for these violations.

Read More: FTC Settles Claim for with FiberThin and Propolene – Federal Trade Commission

Health Issues with Lipozene

Lipozene is branded as having no caffeine, which is good because caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants do have adverse effects in health. However, it is a bit strange that I’ve read several side effects which were encountered by various Lipozene users.

Below are some of the possible adverse health effects of Lipozene.

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  • Lost of bowel movement
  • Headache
  • Jittery
  • Vomiting
  • Reduced blood sugar
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea


As a soluble fiber, glucomannan should not be able to cause any lost of bowel movements, diarrhea or any types of digestive tract problems. Can this be a sign of synthetic ingredients in Lipozene?

Lipozene Review Summary

We can easily conclude that Lipozene can be your perfect diet pill partner due to its enticing weight loss claims and user testimonials though we still believe that it can trigger some amounts of weight loss.

Where to Buy Lipozene?

As aforementioned above, not all people hate this dietary supplement. If you want to try Lipozene or if you are a previous user, then you can purchase this diet supplement through its official website or through its licensed online health supplement retailers such as Amazon.

Purchase Lipozene Here

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HCG Complex promotes fat loss, appetite reduction and metabolic increase, all of which are essential for successful weight loss.

Click here to learn more in our review.

Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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