Collagen Protein

Muscle building and energy enhancing formula.

Have you ever tried a protein supplement based on collagen? If this is what you are looking for and you are curious about its efficacy, then this Collagen Protein review is for you.

Based on its brand name, this product offers a natural protein formula made from real collagen. This compound actually makes up to 35% of the total protein in the body.

So it is important to know how this type of protein can help improve your overall health, especially its benefits to your overall fitness.

Read on and learn if Collagen Protein is the right brand for your workout program.

What is Collagen Protein?

Collagen Protein is a product of Bulletproof 360 Inc, a health supplement manufacturer that promotes brain, fitness, nootropics and detox supplements.

Some of its claimed health benefits include:

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  • Muscle mass increase
  • Brain and physical performance boost
  • Supports bones, joints, skin and hair
  • Energy and metabolic boost
  • Complete amino acid profile
  • Promotes other health benefits


So based on its claims, this product offers key areas of fitness that also promotes better mental function and other health benefits as well.

These claims however are all offered by other similar protein powdered supplements, so there is actually no difference with regards to claims.

But how does Collagen Protein stand out from the rest?

There are hundreds of protein supplements in the market like ISO100 which is a hydrolyzed protein, OmniPotent, a high-dosed protein isolate blend, and Organic Warrior Whey which is similar to Collagen Protein.

Bulletproof brags about Collagen Protein’s high positive response from its customers online, which is a big advantage over other products.

Plus, Collagen Protein offers an almost complete amino acid blend from its protein source, an essentially significant feature that other protein supplements don’t have.

And this brand is not that expensive though the pricing is also not cheap like what you can expect from a protein supplement.

A 16oz bag of this product costs $39.95 though you can save 5% of that price if you choose the monthly subscription plan. Plus, Bulletproof 360 offers a return policy to all purchases made through their website.

Collagen Protein Ingredients

This product offers a 22 grams per serving of pure collagen protein sourced from pasture-raised, hormone-free cows.

Bulletproof claims that this formula is enzymatically processed several times to maintain its nutrition-giving peptides intact.

collagen protein ingrediets

Its amino acids that include alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, hydroxyproline, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tyrosine, and valine.

collagen protein amino acid blend

Collagen Protein Features

The main reason why Collagen Protein is highly beneficial for your health is its amino acids content. Collagen has glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, all of which helps improve skin health.

Collagen Protein also helps strengthen joints, reduces inflammatory diseases and keeps them more flexible. This is the reason why most athletes use collagen to help toughen their joints.

Exercises like resistance training, distance running, cardiovascular workouts, lifting and many others, all reduces the flexibility of joints. Collagen helps protect your connective tissues in skin to the tendons that attach muscles to bone.

This helps you to recover faster on these strenuous workouts especially if you are injured.

One primary benefit of Collagen Protein is to help your body build or maintain muscle mass, elevates energy and overall physical performance.

A collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training study, showed body composition improvement and muscle strength increase – NCBI.

So it is an ideal workout supplement for both athletes and bodybuilders.

collagen protein powder supplement bulletproof

Is Collagen Protein Safe?

This product is likely safe to most lifters and athletes as it is composed of natural hydrolyzed collagen protein from cows, which is perfectly safe.

Plus, we never found any side effect reports for this brand online.

Though safe, you are still encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Collagen Protein.

Collagen Protein Review Summary

This product has a pretty impressive formula that can truly provide dozens of health benefits for you. It can also significantly improve your overall workout output.

Collagen Protein also has an impressive customer reviews online, which is a testament to its overall efficacy.

Where to Purchase Collagen Protein?

Collagen Protein is only available online directly through Bulletproof’s official website. Click the link below to purchase your protein supplement.

Purchase Collagen Protein here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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