C4 Ultimate

Ultimate pre-workout formula.

In need of a powerful pre-workout supplement? C4 Ultimate claims to have the ultimate formula that can help boost your workout capacity to achieve significant results.

Like other pre-workouts supplements out there such as Pure Pump, Black Cats V2, Gunner or Flex6, C4 Ultimate is formulated to energize your body, enhance your focus and amplifies your endurance.

So can this product deliver results for you? Will it help improve your overall muscle gains and performance? Read on to learn more.

What is C4 Ultimate?

C4 Ultimate is a product of Cellucor, a popular supplement manufacturer that promotes some of the bestselling sports nutrition brands in the market today.

Here are some of the claimed benefits of C4 Ultimate:

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  • Energy increase
  • Ultimate pumps
  • Increases endurance and performance
  • Elevates focus, mood and overall cognitive function


Like other brands such as Muscle Pharm, Kaged Muscle, Redcon1 or Nutrex Research, Cellucor products are widely available both online and your local supplement retailers.

And as a pre-workout formula, C4 Ultimate is designed to prepare your body to an impending strenuous training. So if you want to boost your workout capacity and performance, this brand is one of the best products.

Why? C4 Ultimate has ultimate stimulant blend which is headed by teacrine and caffeine. For muscle pumping effects, this brand offers amino acids specifically arginine AKG, which is a precursor to nitric oxide.

How about endurance and performance? You get betaine anhydrous and beta-alanine. And finally, to have to focus on the right set, you get huperzine A, taurine and A-GPC.

What makes C4 Ultimate an enticing product is its price – which is only $39.99 per tub (20 servings). Since this can be purchased anywhere, guarantee or returns depends on the online store where you bought the product.

C4 Ultimate Ingredients

Pre-workout supplements are commonly packed with dozens of ingredients to ensure that these brands can truly improve their overall performance in the gym.

And C4 Ultimate is not entirely different as it is packed with a variety of herbs, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

First off, this product has 858mg per serving of energy and focus blend. This include tyrosine, caffeine, velvet bean, theacrine, A-GPC, rauwolfia vomitoria root bark extract, and huperzine extract.

Aside from this blend, C4 Ultimate also has citrulline malate, beta-alanine, creatine nitrate, betaine anhydrous, inositol arginine silicate, arginine alpha ketoglutarate, taurine, vitamin B complex, C, calcium, and folic acid.

Other ingredients include polydextrose, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sucralose, artificial flavors, citric acid, and acesulfame potassium.

c4 ultimate ingredients

C4 Ultimate Features

Based on the ingredients above, it is quite easy to tell that the formula is designed to help increase your overall performance. To learn how C4 Ultimate work, lets get a deeper look at its key agents.

First off, this brand has a popular bodybuilding agent beta alanine, an amino acid which converts in your body to a compound called carnosine. This agent is proven to support muscular endurance.

For energy boost, C4 Ultimate has caffeine which is a stimulant and a known energy booster. Caffeine is also used as a nootropic agent for its ability to improve focus and mental function.

Theacrine is also one of this product’s main energy booster. According to WebMD, theacrine has similar properties to caffeine as it helps stimulate central nervous system.

Next is citrulline malate, another amino acid that is known to help boost energy and promotes healthy cardiovascular health. Most athletes and lifters use citrulline malate due to its cardiovascular benefits and enhanced exercise tolerance.

For performance, C4 Ultimate offers betaine anhydrous, a chemical that naturally occurs in the body. It is used for skeletal problems, eye disorders, heart diseases, brain and many others.

Betaine anhydrous is significantly important for muscle and brain function and is highly used by athletes to help improve their physical performance – WebMD.

C4 Ultimate can increase your muscle gains by providing creatine nitrate, nitrosigine and Argiinine AKG (A-AKG). All of this helps increase nitric oxide levels which is essential for better cardiovascular health and muscle fiber increase.

Lastly, this product offers A-GPC, zembrin, huperzine A and taurine, to help improve your brain power. These agents can enhance your focus, mood and overall brain performance.

c4 ultimate pre-workout supplement

Is C4 Ultimate Safe?

C4 Ultimate is likely safe to most adult athletes and lifters due to its natural formula.

With thousands of reviews online, there is one common complaint about this product online, which is bloating.

This might not be a serious side effect but you may want to consider talking this matter to your doctor first before you take C4 Ultimate. This brand also has stimulants which may also trigger minor side effects.

But overall, we believe that this brand is safe to workout enthusiasts.


According to Cellucor’s website, you can take 1 scoop mix with 10 to 12 fl oz of water, 20 to 30 minutes before training.

During workout, you are recommended to drink plenty of water or performance beverage. You may also experience a harmless tingling sensation which is due to its beta alanine content.

C4 Ultimate Review Summary

This product is indeed a potent and powerful pre-workout formula that can elevate both your physical and mental performance.

There are several good reasons why you should take C4 Ultimate on your bodybuilding program. First, it is quite a powerful formula, second is its price and third is its high volume of positive reviews online.

Go check out this brand on your favorite local supplement stores or visit one of its online retailers.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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