Super Yacon

Natural weight loss formula.

Super Yacon is one of the most potent and highly dosed yacon-based dietary supplement in the market today.

Many dieters are in need of satiety increase in order to control their food consumption. They depend on appetite suppressants that are made from unproven ingredients that triggers nothing for weight loss. Yacon on the other hand is clinically proven for weight loss.

So if you are looking for a safe and proven appetite suppressant, then you may want to try Super Yacon. Read this review and learn why this product is one of the most potent and bestselling yacon supplement in the market today.

What is Super Yacon?

Super Yacon is owned and distributed by Bauer Nutrition, the same company that brought you award-winning and bestselling diet pills such as Meratol, Capsiplex, Proactol and Body Fuel Lean Physique.

Super Yacon is actually the company’s first appetite suppressant that is formulated purely from yacon extract, nothing else.

Some of the health benefits of Super Yacon include:

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  • Powerful appetite suppressing properties
  • Promotes prebiotic effects (healthy bacteria that improves metabolism and digestion)
  • Contains potent antioxidants and high in dietary fiber


Super Yacon is sweet without weight pumping calories and without sugar highs and lows. With antioxidants at the helm, your health is guaranteed to improve significantly while protecting you from serious diseases that are caused by free radicals.

Super Yacon Ingredients

super yacon ingredientsAs mentioned above, Super Yacon is a product with only one ingredient and that is yacon extract. While this might seem to be odd and unique considering that there are thousands of appetite suppressants in the market with similar health claims, Super Yacon has a high dose of yacon extract on its formula, making it a potent slimming pill.

That is the reason why this diet pill is called “Super” in the first place. With its potent dose (1000mg per serving) of yacon root, inefficacy is highly unlikely to occur. But instead, you are guaranteed of slimming effects while enjoying other health benefits due to its antioxidant and dietary fiber contents.

Inactive ingredients includes gelatin, DiCalcium phosphate and magnesium stearate. Super Yacon is vegan and vegetarian friendly diet pill.

How does Super Yacon Work?

Bauer Nutrition designed this dietary supplement to basically help you in managing your appetite that will contribute to your overall weight loss program. They decide to use yacon root extract solely because they believe in its appetite suppressing benefits, as well its other health beneficial effects.

To learn how this product works, you need to know how yacon works for weight loss. As aforementioned above, yacon is a clinically proven appetite suppressant, and this is true because there are countless studies that showed its potential weight loss benefits.

A 120-day double-blind placebo-controlled experiment, NCBI concludes that yacon syrup (the same with root extract) is a good source of fructooligosaccharides. Long-term consumption of yacon produced beneficial health effects on obese pre-menopausal women with insulin resistance.

They administered a dose of 0.29 and 0.14 grams fructooligosaccharides/kg/day (almost similar dose of Super Yacon which is about 500mg per capsule). The results showed significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference, fasting serum insulin and body mass index.

The study led to a conclusion that yacon can increase defecation frequency and satiety sensation, while it is also found to be beneficial in lowering LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) due to its high fiber content.

Its antioxidants are superbly beneficial for your overall health, which affects your digestion and metabolic rate.

super yacon actual image

Is Super Yacon Safe?

Super Yacon is quite safe for most adult dieters as it does not contain any stimulants or any harmful chemicals that could trigger unwanted adverse health effects. Plus, there are no reported side effects for this brand online.

This diet pill is solely made from yacon root extract, and this herb is known to be safe for consumption even in dosage reaching over 1 gram per day. Though likely safe for you, I suggest that you still consult your physician first before you use this diet pill.

Recommended Use

Take one capsule of this pill, twice daily 30 minutes before meal, with a large glass of water.

Do not exceed this dose unless approved by your physician or healthcare provider.

Super Yacon Review Summary

Super Yacon offers a simple formula but potently enough to produce appetite suppressing effects for you. With 1,000mg per serving, this diet pill is one of the best yacon supplement in the industry.

Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:

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  • Powerful appetite suppressing benefits
  • Prebiotic effects
  • Provides antioxidants and dietary fiber
  • No known side effects
  • 60-day money back guarantee


Where to Purchase Super Yacon?

Super Yacon is not yet available in your local supplement retail outlets, but you can purchase one online through Bauer Nutrition’s official website or any of its exclusive retailers.

To purchase Super Yacon, please visit Bauer Nutrition official website below.

Purchase Super Yacon here

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Click here to learn more in our review.

Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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