Shred Sport

Complete weight loss formula.

Shred Sport is a popular thermogenic fat shredding brand that is available both online and in your favorite local supplement retail stores.

Like similar fat burners such as Shredded+, Hyper Shred or Shredz Fat Burner, Shred Sport has a potent formula that’s specifically focus on eliminating body fat and boosting energy and metabolism.

So can this brand truly help you lose weight? Can it burn your hard to lose excess fat? Read on and learn how this supplement works for weight loss.

What is Shred Sport?

Shred Sport is a product of Muscle & Strength LLC or more known as MusclePharm. This company produces dozens of sports nutrition supplements including slimming products.

Some of the claimed health benefits of this supplement include:

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  • Targets stored body fat
  • Helps shed excess water
  • Boosts energy and metabolic levels
  • Enhances focus, alertness and mental functions
  • Supports appetite management
  • Elevates physical performance


So in short, Shred Sport is just another fat burning supplement that offers thermogenic and energy boosting benefits.

But this brand is quite a popular supplement to both dieters and bodybuilders. There are tons of positive reviews for this brand online and is probably one of the bestsellers in the market.

And unlike other expensive fat burners such as Clentrimix, Adipodex or Hydrox Slim, Shred Sport is pretty affordable which only costs $29.99 per bottle.

MusclePharm does offer a 60-day return policy, which is a great feature in case you want to return the product for a refund.

Shred Sport Ingredients

This supplement offers a pretty potent dose amounting to 1,450mg per serving. That is more powerful than most fat burners in the market today.

Ingredients include B vitamins, L-Carnitine, caffeine, capsimax, dandelion extract, theacrine and fucoxanthin.

Other ingredients include cellulose, water, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, stearic acid, magnesium stearate and calcium silicate.

shred sport ingredients

Shred Sport Features

The ingredients of this product are known to help support key areas of weight loss. So in order for you to know if Shred Sport can help you lose weight or not, we first need to analyze each of its ingredients.

Fist off, this brand has B vitamins (niacin, B1, B6 and B12) which are very common in dietary supplements today. But how can this vitamin trigger weight loss?

According to LiveStrong, B vitamins helps your body to convert food into energy. Experts suggest that overweight and obese individuals are essentially low in B vitamins.

Both niacin and thiamin helps extract energy from your food while promoting normal appetite. It also offer other health benefits such as blood sugar level regulation.

Amino acid L-Carnitine is also a popular slimming agent as most dieters believe it to be a potent fat burner.

Caffeine on the other hand, needs no further introduction. This agent is a stimulant that helps elevate both your mental and physical performance by influencing your central nervous system and giving you energy.

Shred Sport has a known thermogenic agent in capsimax, a red chili pepper extract.

This herb is used by most people to help ignite their body’s metabolism and thermogenic state. But capsicum is not only known for weight loss but it can also support other health conditions as well.

Dandelion on the other hand, is a herb where its roots are used to make medicines for upset stomach, gallstones, joint pain, bowel movements, urine production, cancers and many others.

According to LiveStrong, dandelion can help increase exercise endurance for more longer workout sessions. It also helps reduce body fluid (diuretic) which results to weight loss.

Lastly, Shred Sport has fucoxanthin, a carotenoid found in brown seaweed which is believed to have fat burning abilities.

According to, fucoxanthin does reduce fat mass but it may take up to 5 to 16 weeks of 5mg or more in order to see significant results.

Well, Shred Sport does have a potent amount of fucoxanthin which means that it is within clinical dosage. But, you may need to take this brand for at least 2 months to see results from its fucoxanthin content.

How about Safety?

We never found any side effects for this brand online. This is an impressive feat considering that Shred Sport has caffeine, a known potent stimulant.

Majority of online reviews that we found are positive without any major adverse health effects.

To ensure that you’ll have safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Shred Sport.


According to its website, you can take 1 serving (2 capsules) daily. For intense training sessions, take 2 servings daily (1 serving in the morning and 1 in the afternoon).

To assess your tolerance, start with 1 capsule in the morning and another capsule in the afternoon. Drink with plenty of water.

Shred Sport Review Summary

This supplement has a pretty impressive formula that is not completely dependent on stimulants (only having caffeine). The formula relies heavily on herbs, amino acids and B vitamins.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • 100% natural and well-blended formula
  • Can trigger key areas of weight loss
  • Supports other health benefits
  • No known side effects
  • Moderate price
  • 60-day return policy


Where to Purchase Shred Sport?

Shred Sport is available at your local supplement retail stores, but it can also be purchased directly from its official website or third party retail shops.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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